Monday, October 22, 2012

"What Have You Done For Me Lately..."

Tonight, many of us will watch the debate, and some will say we'll be watching to help us make up our mind on who we'll vote for in just two weeks from now.  But if you are a GLBT person, you don't need to watch the debates to make up you mind, simply watch this and then ask yourself these two questions:

Has any president in history ever done more to promote your rights to equality under the law than Barrack Obama?

Remembering the mess that the country was in at the beginning of his term (war, economic crisis, societal upheaval), are you as a GLBT citizen, better off today than you were then?

So watch and enjoy the debate tonight, but make up your mind right now!  For the future of our country and the future of GLBT people everywhere, there is only one clear choice - Support the candidate who has stood with us - vote Obama - Biden.

"Fear Eats the Soul"

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