Sunday, September 27, 2015

"I Wrote This For You In The Light Of The Lover's Moon..."

When I went to bed last night, I remembered all the days I wished you, "Sleep well, Dearest."  This even as I kissed my husband goodnight, you were there, silent and unseen, but there nonetheless.

This morning, as I awoke next to my husband and as I reflected on our love, our family and the pleasant tide of life that has finally come, you were there, silent and unseen, but there nonetheless.

When I looked out this morning at the Lover's Moon high on the sky, I remembered you as I stood alone, but never really alone at the window, there in the moonlight, you were there, silent and unseen, but there nonetheless.

Then, when I knelled to pray, you were there, even as you had been once upon a time. You were there in the moonlight listening to me implore God to watch over and bless you. You were there, silent and unseen, but there nonetheless.

And now it's the morning of the Lover's Moon, and I'm remembering that it was on this day so many moons ago that you first appeared by my side... And now nine years on, you are still here... When I sit on the sofa we spent so many evenings on, my husband and my children see only me, but I am never alone, you are there, silent and unseen, but there nonetheless.

And this, this is the power of love, it transcends time, and space, fear and hate, and even the arrival of a new love... Love, true love, it lives on forever. Thus, at the window this morning, you were there, silent and unseen, but there nonetheless, forever in the moonlight, forever in the depths of my heart, forever beside me... This is love.

"Fear Eats the Soul"

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