Sunday, January 21, 2024

"This Made Me Smile..."

Don't bring that gay shit around him
byu/livejamie inTikTokCringe

What's gonna happen if you try to bring that gay shit around me...

Hey guys what's up, uhh, I just wanna say real quick that, you know, I think you should love whoever you love but uhh, if you ever try to bring that gay shit around me, what's gonna happen is, there's gonna be fourteen hits, alright? fourteen hits. It's gonna be me hittin' you, you hittin' the bed, then it's gonna be my lips hittin' your lips, alright? Then it's gonna be your consent hittin' my ears, it's gonna be my pants hittin' the floor, eventually it's gonna be your head hittin' my chest gently, alright? After that it's gonna be my texts hittin' your phone, it's gonna be the both of us hittin' this great new Italian place I know, it's gonna be your words hittin' my heart, alright? Eventually after a while you know what? It's gonna be my ring hittin' your finger motherfucker, yeah. And then it's gonna be the weight of our vows hittin' the both of us. Eventually it's gonna be our kids hittin' puberty, then it's gonna be the joy of our life together hittin' new heights we never knew possible and at the end of it all it's gonna be the dirt hittin' our double casket on a day when people don't mourn our deaths but celebrate our lives in which two souls so perfect for each other where able to meet if but for a brief moment on this cruel, cold blue marble we call home. uhh anyway just wanted to share what would happen if you try to bring that gay shit around me.

Fooled you huh...?
You thought it was gonna be some hateful rant, me too.

I Loved it!
He's got life goals!

1 comment:

  1. He is lucky that us, oldies, were here before him to make all his wishes come thru. What many youngsters don't know or are even forget is that we did fight for any gay rights they are benefiting today. In USA there are some states that even now are struggling for those rights but here in Canada we are lucky to have them in our Canadian Charter or Rights and Liberties since 1982 inside our renewed Canadian Constitution.


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