Tuesday, January 23, 2024

"The Truth About Me..."

Well, the algorithms have sussed me out... Yesterday, as I occasionally do, I featured Asian couples in the post, "TheViews To Love..." So of course, I know the bots have been "reading" my blog. While preparing dinner yesterday afternoon, I turned on YouTube (a Google platform, just like Blogger), and this is what the algorithm decided I would want to see after the video I picked finished...

When I heard the dialog in Chinese, I turned away from the cutting board to see what it was, and I have to say, for a couple of minutes, they captured my attention. Now I can't speak for all of me, but I will tell you that "my little sailor" doesn't have a prejudiced "bone in his body." To quote Larry in "The Boys In The Band," "I like 'em all." And before I knew it, I'd watched several episodes of whatever this is (I'm still not sure!).

So, you might not believe it, but big data is always listening to us and paying attention to what we're doing especially when we're online. I have a grandiose job title at work that includes "Global Sales Strategy and Operations" and lately, I've been working with our Taiwan division. So I guess the algorithms have concluded: he's connecting with Asia, working with Asians and posting Asians on his blog; Hey YouTube, "Show him some handsome Asians!" And of course, I immediately put two-and-two together to know why I was being shown this.

For years, Husband has been telling me I'm crazy when I tell him the phones are listening to us and that's why things we talk about show up in ad feeds. But yesterday, he finally admitted that I was right. At dinner, the night before last, Husband yelled at the cat for chewing on a tablet cord. Yesterday, he couldn't wait to come running into the kitchen to show me an unsolicited email from Amazon promoting their selection of USB cords for tablets and phones (and no, he had not searched for such). Funnily, he almost caught me watching the above video! But was distracted by my gloating of, "I told you so!"

Yes, we're living in a marvelous age, and a scary one too. I'm careful about what I say when I'm near my phone, which now that I work from home, I usually don't keep with me. I typically leave it in the kitchen where I can hear it ring, but hopefully it can't hear me.

Yes, we're living in the age of the machines...

"Fear Eats the Soul"

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