Monday, July 31, 2023

"Same Gender Loving People - No. 5253"

"It's He And Me And Our Little One Makes Three..."

Positive images of people like me... The truth of the matter is that we all need to see people like ourselves. So everyday, I'll post a photo, drawing or some other artwork that depicts Same Gender Loving People as what we are... Only Human.

"A Love Story..."

I love their story, it's cute and funny and sweet....

"A Thought To Ponder..."

"The Views To Love..."

"Selfie Love..."

"Selfie Love" - those beautiful, grainy, out-of-focus self-pics that capture the truth of true love...

"The Imitation Of Life..."

"The Truth About Love..."

You know, I think everybody longs to be loved, and longs to know that he or she is lovable. And, consequently, the greatest thing that we can do is to help somebody know that they're loved and capable of loving.

- Fred Rogers

"The Artist's Corner..."

Sunday, July 30, 2023

"Same Gender Loving People - No. 5252"

"To Love Is To See The World Together..."

Positive images of people like me... The truth of the matter is that we all need to see people like ourselves. So everyday, I'll post a photo, drawing or some other artwork that depicts Same Gender Loving People as what we are... Only Human.

"The Imitation Of Life..."

"The Views To Love..."

"Selfie Love..."

"Selfie Love" - those beautiful, grainy, out-of-focus self-pics that capture the truth of true love...

"A Sunday Thought To Share..."

"Gay PDA Is Okay..."

"The Gift Of Love..."

"The Artist's Corner..."

"Mike with Peony"
Oil on canvas
George Towne

Saturday, July 29, 2023

"Same Gender Loving People - No. 5251"

"The World Is Ours When You Kiss Me..."

Positive images of people like me... The truth of the matter is that we all need to see people like ourselves. So everyday, I'll post a photo, drawing or some other artwork that depicts Same Gender Loving People as what we are... Only Human.

"This Made Me Smile..."

Thinking of my dad, who loved Star Trek
We'd watch it on some Saturday afternoons

He would've laughed

"Gay PDA Is Okay..."

"A Little Sane Advice..."

"Selfie Love..."

"Selfie Love" - those beautiful, grainy, out-of-focus self-pics that capture the truth of true love...

"We Were Always There..."

What I Like About This: It'd be pretty easy to mistake this photo as being one depicting two actual sailors with a deep affection for one another. But I'm certain that this is not the case. It's actually a fantasy photo, probably for an early soft-core homoerotic photo set. How do I know? Well, having been in the Navy, I spotted all the things that are off about this photo. The glaring giveaways are the uniforms. Neither are regulation fit. The tall chap's sleeves are far too short, landing halfway up his forearm. You can also see the fold creases in his bell-bottom trousers. He wouldn't have been allowed off the ship looking like this. His well-muscled partner's uniform is far too tight and I'm sure that's by design. Both of their silk neckerchiefs are not properly rolled, and although they are tied in proper square knots, they're both worn too high up and are covering the V-notch of their jumpers. 

Now, what convinces me that this is porn? Well, look at their crotches, it's no mistake that you can see clear outlines of what lies beneath. Finally, their pose... yes, intimate friends might take such a photo, but only a lover would place his hand on his partner's buttocks, which is clearly where the shorter fella's hand is placed. So all-in-all, it's clearly intended to be a homoerotic fantasy image and I think they succeeded. And even though this photo was probably taken about 70 years ago, it still says, "we were always there."

"The Imitation Of Life..."

"The Artist's Corner..."

"Afternoon Colors"
Acrylic on canvas
Douglas Simonson