Monday, June 26, 2023

"This Made Me Smile..."

Manly men wear WD-40

Listen, Did you know: WD-40 was invented for the aerospace industry in 1953 by the Rocket Chemical Company of San Diego, CA. It's name stems from what it does. The "WD" stands for water displacement and the "40" represents how many different formulations they worked through before arriving at the magic sauce that filled the bill.  So what was it for? You may not be old enough to remember or know that in the early days of the space race, rockets and missiles often went out of control shortly after launch and as a consequence would be remotely destructed. As it turns out the problem stemmed from the very cold liquid oxygen component of the fuel, it caused ice to form on the aerodynamic surfaces of the missile making control nearly impossible. The solution, spray the whole thing down with WD-40. Now you know why water displacement is the most important function of WD-40. In addition, its special lubricating properties ensured control surfaces could move freely under even the harshest conditions. The rest as they say, is history.

And now you know

1 comment:

  1. Great post. I always have one of two jumbo cans of WD-40. Nice to know where it comes from.


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