By Stanley Bennett Clay
From: GBMNews
God birthed me black, left-handed, artistic and gay; four things that the majority population rejected. Well, I reject your rejection. God made me special and you don’t get it.
The majority said that I’m inferior because I am black, that blacks are supposed to be slaves, are supposed to be inferior. I reject that. God made me special and you don’t get it.
The majority said, three hundred years ago, that left-handed people were demonic, and should be burned at the stake, and they were.
Thirty years ago, parents were forcing right-handed behavior on God-given left-handed nature. God made me special and you don’t get it. A hundred years ago hotels posted sign that said “no niggers, Jews, animals, or actors allowed.” I am an actor. God made me special and you don’t get it.
I am in love with the man that I’m in love with, yet I am not allowed to enjoy the sacredness of marriage enjoyed by others. I pay the same taxes, but I am resorted to a separate but equal taxation without representation inhumane clause that allows religious beliefs to trump the constitution that clearly states that there should be a separation between Church and State so that we do not duplicate the tyranny of the Spanish Inquisition, and other faith-based persecutions. The constitution clearly states that the minority should be protected against the tyranny of the majority. Marriage between a man and a woman is a faith-based agenda and should not be a legal standard. Marriage between consenting adults should be law-protected.
Your churches have every right to practice the beliefs they believe. That is a civil right guaranteed by the government. But that should not intrude on the civil rights of others. Every American is guaranteed the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Where are those pursuits for same gender-loving (SGL) people?
When you deny rights to others, it is only a matter of time that precious rights you cherish will surely be denied. What goes around comes around.
Remember, if it were up to a popular vote, you would still be in slavery. If it were up to a popular vote, interracial marriage would be illegal. (83% of the population was against it when the Supreme Court legalized it).
The same Bible that condemns same sax relationships, also condemns a slave’s disobedience to his master, a woman’s menstrual cycle, the mixing of cloths, and praises Lot for giving up his daughters to sexual gangbanging in order to spare two male strangers from being sexed by both men and women.
God birthed me black, left-handed, artistic and gay; four things that the majority population rejected. Well, I reject your rejection. God made me special and you don’t get it.
And if you don’t get it soon, it will get you. We as a community cannot afford to divide our house. We are many God-created things. If we don’t understand and respect that, then we have a total misunderstanding and disrespect for who we are and who we’re supposed to be as God’s perfect imperfect children. And the ‘not-getting’ will doom us all!
Stanley Bennett Clay has received three NAACP Theatre Awards for writing, directing, and coproducing the critically acclaimed play Ritual, as well as a Pan African Film Festival Jury Award for the film adaptation. The author of Diva and In Search of Pretty Young Black Men, he lives in Los Angeles.
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