Monday, January 20, 2025

"I Am Always Remembering..."

In the irony of ironies, today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day... But another event happening today will not stop me from celebrating the life and accomplishments of this real American patriot.

I was born just in time to experience the blessings for which this great man gave his all. I am proud to remember his sacrifice in thankfulness. I recall the many battles fought for freedom and I know many are yet to be won.

To my friends who believe today is a reason to celebrate for other reasons, I harbor no ill will towards you. I believe in letting everyone believe whatsoever they will...You are still my friends. In my heart of hearts, I hope you are right and that I am wrong to live in fear of what will come. Nevertheless, for today I will dwell no more on my fears, but live in hopes for tomorrow.

"Fear Eats the Soul"

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