Sunday, June 16, 2024

"The Imitation Of Life..."

This image reminds me of myself the day I proposed to my ex-wife after a picnic in the park...

John QuiƱones' hidden camera show, "What Would You Do?" has had many gay and LGBTQ themed stories over the years and it's very telling what people will do and say when they think no one's watching or listening. I really liked this episode because even though it was filmed in the southern bible belt, no one played the "God" card.  They just gave really good, honest, relatable advice and showed caring for everyone involved. This really surprised me since my black people can be quick to condemn their own and use religion as the excuse. 


Only the image above is reminiscent of my own story.  My wife and I married that same summer I proposed. Within hours I realized my mistake and I was contemplating suicide while honeymooning at Niagara Falls. My marriage to my wife was over by that autumn and we were divorced by December of that same year nearly thirty years ago. My plan was to force myself to be "not gay" and she seemed to have no idea that I was not the perfect man she thought I was. I'm glad my foolish delusion fell apart as quickly as it did, for I might have ended up in the type of situation they're showing here, causing even more pain to myself and others than I did. It took me eight more years to gain enough courage to accept the truth of my heart and be as I am.

"Fear Eats the Soul"

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