Sunday, June 16, 2024

"Happy Father's Day..."

The New Normal - A Modern Family

What I Like About This: I'm sure this will be my favorite image of 2024. I gave it the caption above, because it epitomizes the progress that same gender loving people and people of color and all people in our society have made in just the short span of my lifetime. Aren't they a cute couple...? This handsome family is the definition of contemporary domestic bliss... two handsome young dads and their angelic little one. Practical dad is looking at the bills in the mail, and his reassuring partner is intently listening to poppa moan about them while cuddling their bundle of joy. We don't know if they're married, and the beautiful thing is that they don't have to be... they're free to define their love in their own way. How happy I am that I've lived long enough to see the things I once dared not even dream of become a reality for those who want them, including myself.  Yes, there's still trouble in our world and a slew of hateful people who want to turn back the hands of time and the progress we've made, but I'm not too worried about that. While hate will always be with us, the haters will die off and hate will grow weaker with the march of time and everyone's realization that there's nothing wrong with the new normal. A modern family is beautifully human.

"Fear Eats the Soul"

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