Thursday, November 23, 2023

"We're Living In The Age Of The Machines..."

It's scary how good the AI is becoming... but it still can't fool me.

Look for the hallmarks of AI... The hands and arms almost always give it away. In this image notice that the hand caressing the neck is missing a finger. Also the forearm is much too short and the upper arm is thin and atrophied as well. Another anatomical error is the ear of the subject on the right. Besides being a quite tiny ear, it has a misplaced tragus (the small curved flap that extends posteriorly from the front of the external ear). So yes, if you're wondering about an image, look carefully at the anatomy of the subjects, you'll find the truth there.

1 comment:

  1. It also just looks to "clean," as if all the blemishes have been photoshopped out.


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