Friday, April 21, 2023

"The Ugly Truth..."

I love my country, but sometimes as a black man
it really does look like this to me...

1 comment:

  1. As a Canadian living in Montreal, seeing all what is going on in USA it's so frightening.. Imagine being a «black-lesbian-pregnant» searching for an abortion.. For some time now, many «human rights» in your country are ok but also in jeopardy because of those judges apointies from GOP and Trump...
    One lf the issue in USA is that on EACH levels of your system, everything or people are or Democrats or Republicans.

    We don't have such polarisation here in Canada.
    Our Justice system is neutral: no judges are allowed to show their politic affiliations.

    Most of all, religion is evacuated from any civil and politic spheres.


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