Monday, January 24, 2022

"Sometimes In Advertising..."

You may have never thought about it, but if you too had a crush on Mr. Clean, well those savvy marketers at worldwide consumer products giant Procter and Gamble have. The Madmen of Madison Avenue have always known that sexy sells.  And while many will say, they're marketing to horny housewives heterosexual women, many a young gay boy including myself grew up enamored with the icon of their cleaning products brand, "Mr. Clean" and buy what he's selling regularly (I love his Magic Eraser).

And apparently the company doesn't make any bones about what he selling either, this is from their official Facebook account!

And back in 2017, they doubled down with the premier of the brand's first Super Bowl advert that actually managed to upset a few folks.

Then the brand created their own memes...

And I'm sorry to disappoint the ladies, but Mr. Clean is definitely gay, only a gay man has clothes and dance moves this "tight..."

BTW, here's my decoded iconography of Mr. Clean...

Besides being gay, he's clearly a badass retired sailor... an old salt who still love's his whites and his earring symbolizing his brush with death having survived his ship's sinking under enemy fire*

* An old tradition from the days sail, a sailor wore an earring to signify surviving a battle that his ship did not.

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