Saturday, May 23, 2020

"A Strange Truth..."

I don't often remember my dreams, but in the pandemic induced haze that we're living through right now, I've had a couple of very strange dreams, that when I awakened, I realized that I had a vivid memory of them.  Last night and this morning I had one of those and it shook me to my core, but in very strange, but very pleasant way.

As I said, I don't often recall dreams, perhaps only 2 or 3 times a year, so to have 2 dreams that I could vividly recall in the space of a week is very strange to me.  In fact the dream I awoke from earlier this week was more of a nightmare.  But I have say that when I woke this morning, it was to a most wonderful feeling, for I had had an even rarer dream about love, sex and romance.  I'm not sure what brought it about, but I have to say it was most pleasantly surprising, even more so considering who and 'what' was involved. For you see my dream was not about my husband, but rather about someone from the past who still finds a place in my heart.

When I stirred from my sleep this morning around five, I was still in that half asleep and half dreaming state that you sometimes find yourself in where you realize it's a pleasant dream and you want to just lay there and let it conclude  In my dream, we, the two of us, we were in the warm and smoky afterglow of love making... You know, that sweet moment in time when you're just lying in each other's arms, basking in the delight of the sweet peace that comes when the world just goes away. And then, as I became more fully awake and aware of the realization that it's been more than 11 years since that could've happened with the one who is still beloved to me, my thought was to pray to God as I lay there enjoying that moment that wasn't really happening.

Interestingly, I didn't pray for forgiveness (since I'm now a married man and I wasn't dreaming of my husband), but rather it was a prayer of thanksgiving that He allowed that smoldering ember of love's fire for the man who still holds the greatest part of my heart to be fanned to flames again, if only in a dream.

There are under heaven, some things that are hard to reconcile, our dreams are among those things...

"Fear Eats the Soul"

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