But why did God decide to destroy his home?
18 August 2016
Joe Morgan
Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, has long claimed God sends natural disasters to punish people for the ‘sin’ of homosexuality.
It turns out his home was one of the 40,000 destroyed by the southern Louisiana floods this week, which killed 11 people.
The hate preacher, who’s organization is designated a anti-LGBTI hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, was forced to escape his destroyed home by canoe.
Perkins called into his own radio show to describe how the disaster was of ‘biblical proportions’ and will force his family to live in a camper for the six months it will take to rebuild his home.
But was this flood to punish the sinners?
No, according to Perkins God sent this deadly flood as an ‘incredible, encouraging spiritual exercise to take you to the next level in your walk with an almighty and gracious God who does all things well’.
He also urged Christians to rejoice as God considers them ‘worthy of suffering for his sake’.
Via Right Wing Watch, Perkins has…
- Said that “the human race would be extinct” if homosexuality were to become “normal.”
- Defended Uganda’s “kill-the-gays” bill as a “laudable” effort “to uphold moral conduct.”
- Claimed gay youth have a higher suicide rate because they intrinsically know their sexual orientation is “abnormal.”
- Asserted that there is “a correlation between homosexuality and pedophilia” and that pedophilia “is a homosexual problem.”
- Repeatedly predicted that a Supreme Court ruling in favor of gay marriage would lead to a “revolution” and “the dissolution of our republic.”
- Likened homosexuality to alcoholism and drug addiction.
- Said lawmakers who backed the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell have “the blood of innocent soldiers on their hands.”
- Called on troops to fight the gay “agenda” as an enemy within.
- Described LGBT rights activists as pawns of the Devil: “The Enemy is simply using them as pawns, they are held captive by the Enemy.”
- Insisted that LGBT rights advocates inspire ISIS terrorists and act like terrorists themselves.
"Fear Eats the Soul"
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