"Love Is All That Matters... Live Fearlessly"
Monday, November 30, 2015
"The Truth About Ben Carson..."
Carson has made his views on homosexuality very evident, despite promising he wouldn’t even talk about the issue anymore. Here are a few of the things he has said about gay people:
- In 2013, Carson defended his position on marriage on Fox News, saying, “No group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA [the North American Man/Boy Love Association], be they people who believe in beastiality, it doesn’t matter what they are, they don’t get to change the definition.” Carson later apologized for his “poorly chosen words” comparing gay people to pedophiles and those who engage in bestiality.
- In March, he explained that homosexuality is a choice, and his proof was that prison rape turns people gay. “So, did something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself that question.” Even Glenn Beck called the comment “the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.” In his “apology,” Carson admitted he does not “pretend to know how every individual came to their sexual orientation,” still reinforcing the idea that sexuality can be manipulated.
- More recently, Carson has defended Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis for refusing to serve same-sex couples, arguing that Christians can cite their beliefs to refuse to recognize same-sex couples because “this is a Judeo-Christian nation in the sense that a lot of our values and principles are based on our Judeo-Christian faith.”
- For anybody who does recognize same-sex couples’s marriages though, Carson isn’t willing to support them. Back in January, months before the Supreme Court’s Obergefell ruling, Carson said in an interview that Congress could simply fire any federal judge who disagrees with the majority of lawmakers. In the days after Obergefell, he suggested that Congress could simplypass a “creative” law to circumvent the Constitution’s guarantee of marriage equality.
- Carson has signed the National Organization for Marriage’s presidential pledge, which demands support for a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, the reversal of any policy that recognizes same-sex couple’s marriages, and the end to any nondiscrimination protections for LGBT people.
Carson’s views on homosexuality — and the justifications for the label of “homophobe” — are clear. His claim to believe that the Constitution protects people regardless of their sexual orientation, however, is rather difficult to understand.
Source: Think Progress
"This Made Me Smile..."
The Gaily Grind
Adrian Garcia
March 20, 2014
A special thanks to Christopher Shea for sharing his ’embarrassing’ teenage story:
So the year was 2002 and I was a teen of 14 years old when finally my folk decided it was time to let me have a key and on Thursdays when my sister had Junior Achievement, allow me to be alone in our house for the 2 hours before my Mom got home from work. So as young male teens tend to do I often put this time to use doing things to myself that I would never had admitted to at the time to any of my friends.
One such Thursday afternoon I was poking around in my parents room (to be honest I was looking for spare change in my Dad’s bureau when I discovered a shoe box in the bottom drawer. Inside the shoe box were 6 older VHS tapes with titles such as: “Ticket to ride her”, “Sin-derella”. And so forth.
Let’s just say I was pleased with the images on the tape covers as there were almost naked guys having sex with girls on them. So of course I wanted to see naked adult men having sex, even if it involved seeing women too …… So fast forward 10 minutes and tape 1 is in the player, I am naked on the couch making an amusement park ride out of my body, when all of a sudden the front door swings open and my MOTHER walks into the living room.
I had two choices……turn off the porn and let her see me naked and aroused, or cover myself with the nearby throw pillow and let her see the movie I was watching. I chose the pillow and started to cover up when my Mother, God Bless her, turns on a dime and walks out the door she came in through. Fast forward 5 minutes. I am dressed in my bedroom, pretending to study, the tape is back in the shoebox where it came from, and my Mom walks back in the house, down the hall to my room.
She knocks and I say “come in”. I am shaking with fear and embarrassment. She asked me how my day was, and if I wanted something to eat before dinner. She tells me that she wasn’t feeling very well that afternoon and Hasbro sent her home a couple of hours early. I am thinking….wait, what, she didn’t catch me? My Mother never mentioned this incident to me, but a few weeks later when I went to fetch another tape the shoebox was missing.
Over the next weeks I convinced myself that she didn’t see a thing. Yesterday afternoon I got a box in the mail from home. I opened it up and along with the old VCR tapes I had as a kid/teen was a vaguely familiar shoebox with 6 VCR tapes in it and a sticky note on top which read: Christopher, I saw what was going on, but never spoke of it to your father. Boys will be Boys. Love Mom.
I am convinced that my Mother is a saint.
Do Any of you have embarrassing stories of getting “caught”?
"Same Gender Loving People - No. 2199"
"Love In Sickness And In Health..."
Positive images of people like me... The truth of the matter is that we all need to see people like ourselves. So everyday, I'll post a photo, drawing or some other artwork that depicts Same Gender Loving People as what we are... Only Human.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
"Same Gender Loving People - No. 2198"
"Love And Happiness Are The Same Thing..."
Positive images of people like me... The truth of the matter is that we all need to see people like ourselves. So everyday, I'll post a photo, drawing or some other artwork that depicts Same Gender Loving People as what we are... Only Human.
"The Truth About Who We Are..."
by thegaymenproject |
photos by Kevin Truong
Josef, in his own words: "From early childhood I knew I liked boys more then girls. For me personally it was absolutely normal. The only trouble was to deal with people around me. I grew up in 80's and 90's in eastern Slovakia and I had so little information about what it meant to be gay. But I never wanted to change it, I felt special.
I think my whole life is a challenge. I was always very interested in art. When I was 26 I started to study photography at the University. I finished my Master degree with a very personal queer music project Mušnula. You can check it on youtube. I think is very important to express the queer side of my personality. The funny thing is that I am also a yoga instructor. And I am very conservative about yoga. That's good balance.
I came to my mother the night before I left my parents flat. I was 20 and decided to move to another city to live with my boyfriend. I think my mother was sad not because I told her I was gay, but because I left home. We always had a very strong relationship.
My partner was director of a queer film festival in Prague for 4 years. So we are a part of queer community here. But I am not a party person, I do not drink alcohol and I don't visit gay clubs or bars. So I really don't know. I think I know more about yoga community.
I try not to look back. But I am 35 now and sometimes I feel I would like to have more friends. During my life I had just a few really strong friendships. Many of them do not last until today. And I think it is my fault. I don't know if I can change it. Maybe it's too late."
"Fear Eats the Soul"
"Selfie Love..."
"Selfie Love" - those beautiful, grainy, out-of-focus self-pics that capture the truth of true love...
Saturday, November 28, 2015
"Selfie Love..."
"Selfie Love" - those beautiful, grainy, out-of-focus self-pics that capture the truth of true love...
"The Poet's Corner..."
Love is the kiss
in the quiet nest
while the leaves are trembling,
mirrored in the water.
Federico Garcia Lorca
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