Saturday, September 10, 2011

"A Thought To Ponder..."

Gay Homophobia...?

Yes, it does indeed exist... I was once amongst those who so vehemently deny what they know to be true of their own hearts that they strike out in fear and hate against it. I remember quite well standing in the voting booth casting a "yes" vote to ban the thing I now enjoy and hold most precious and sacred, my marriage. It was in that same year that I would eventually begin to pry open the door of the dark closet that I had lived in for most of my life and begin my quest to find true love.

The list of gay homophobes is long. I am thankful that I am no longer numbered amongst such sad souls who still live a lie outwardly while their own hearts and desires betray all that they say they stand for.

I read a story today about a site that tracks this phenomena amongst the powerful and politically connected gay homophobes.  As I perused its postings I was reminded of what it feels like to be in so much denial and I recalled that its driven by the saddest hatred of all... self hate.

"Fear Eats the Soul"

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