Wednesday, June 27, 2012

"Reflections On Married Life - Mad Men..."

I have to admit that the husband and I love the series "Mad Men."  Although we only discovered it this year (a long story that starts with the fact that we don't subscribe to cable tv), it's become something of a guilty pleasure for us... It's the only show that we have to watch together so that we can then spend hours talking about it.

Today on Gawker, Cord Jefferson does an excellent job of deconstructing "Mad Men" and what drives for some, their fascination with it.
Ever since Mad Men captivated the consciousness of a particular subset of the American population a few years back, we—men in particular—have learned to ignore how deplorable most of the male characters on the show are. Among the qualities listed above, the guys in and around Sterling, Cooper, Draper, Price are also rapists, cheats, thieves, pimps, layabouts, anti-Semites, and cowards. It's probably redundant to note that they're unflinching misogynists, but they are that, too, and to a degree so toxic many women flee them in tears or, more seldom, while sashaying to other jobs where they'll actually be appreciated.
The rest of the article is well worth the read.  It speaks to the observations that my husband and I have been making about the show and for us the validation of our views was the point that Jefferson makes in the end - " There are many wealthy white men throughout the world who believe things were better when the power sat solely in their soft, manicured hands." 

While my husband, Ed and I certainly enjoy "Mad Men" we quickly realized that that world - the world of Don Draper had no good place in it for the likes of people like us (remember what happened to Sal?).  To be gay and/or black, (really anything other than white, male, protestant and hetero) meant you had struggles and hardship in the world of the "Mad Men."  If anything, when Ed and I watch it, we're awestruck by the crassness of it all and thankful to have been born after the "Greatest Generation."  

And with that said, time to join the husband on the sofa for an episode of "True Blood" - Love those vampires!

"Fear Eats the Soul" 

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