Tuesday, March 3, 2009

"About the title of this blog... What does it mean?"

If you haven't guessed it, I am a "Same Gender Loving" (SGL) man. And yes, I prefer that term to "Gay" which seems to evoke too many negative stereotypes in the minds of some people. I am also a man of color with a very diverse ethnic and racial heritage. Moreover, for most of my life, I've been a rather conservative Republican. And as if the apparent incoherency in all that were not enough, I was also a convert to Mormonism and at one time a leader in the LDS Church.

Therefore, as to "The Unbearable Truth..." it speaks to what were once the facts of my own life. After what seemed an eternity of self-denial and self-loathing, I came out to myself at age 40, and shortly thereafter to the other important people in my life. After having lived half my life in fear of what I thought others would think, say, and do if they could see into my heart and know the truth of what I've felt since my earliest days, I resolved to go forward in truth that I might live what's left of my life as fully as I can.

The second part of my title here, "Fear Eats The Soul" refers to the great truth revealed by a fantastic film of that same title. Although most people have never heard of the 1974 film, "Ali Fear Eats The Soul" by the German writer, director, and producer, Rainier W. Fassbinder, it is easily my most favored film. And, in critic circles it has been hailed as perhaps Fassbinder's greatest work. Although ostensively, the film is about racial and inter-generational prejudice, most viewer will find that the lessons it teaches are about every type of prejudice and hatred. In watching this film for the first time some years ago, I realized for myself that the effect of fear on both those who suffer in it and those who inflict it upon others is that it "eats the soul," thus, the real "Unbearable Truth" is that "Fear Eats The Soul..." meaning it destroys people.

The sub-line of my title includes a quote from another favorite film about fear that I have found to be profoundly true as well, and that is that "a life lived in fear is a life half-lived..." That quote has become my personal mantra, the essential reminder of what is truly important... To live life as fearlessly as I can.

For your viewing pleasure:

"Ali Fear Eats The Soul"

"Strictly Ballroom"

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