You've heard my rant about "targeted advertising" before... Well, this morning I was clickbaited again. Duracell has a battery brand that they market to business called "Procell" and yesterday during a conference call, I mentioned batteries... So of course the first ad I was served up this morning was for Procell batteries. Now I have to tell you, the algorithms know what they're doing. The ad caught my eye instantly and now I know more than I ever imagined I'd want to know about these batteries.
So what caught my eye?
Well it was none other than this cute and sultry poser... So apparently in algorithm math, gay, plus business man interested in batteries equals this in the AI world of targeted advertising. And I have to admit they got it right, I thought he was cute in all his middle-aged paunchy-dadbod-glory... And I mean come on, he's posing like a wallflower in a gay club.
So with my interest piqued, a quick Google search brought me to the now 1 year old ad campaign and this gem of a video on Youtube:
And as funny and enjoyable as this spot is, I was equally disturbed by the "anti-woke" racist, and sexist comments posted on this video. It really makes me wonder, "What in the hell have we come to...?" The boss can't be a black woman? The inept worker can't be a caucasian man? So I'm guessing if the roles were reversed, the haters would have been just fine with this. Geez, can we please remember that it's 2023!
So who knows, the next time I need batteries, they might be these!
The rest of the spots are equally amusing and surprisingly inclusive including a "three men at a urinal" spot that reminds me of Amazon's series "Patriot". Check out the other videos here: YouTube
I have to laugh... The other day I was in a meeting with the EVP of our business unit, and she had the exact same reaction to a ridiculous expenditure that came up during the meeting. It immediately reminded me of this and tickled me so much I had to keep watching myself on the meeting screen to be sure I wasn't grinning.