Friday, March 23, 2018

"A Few Thoughts To Ponder..."

The Power of a Kiss
Public displays of affection between men becomes a political act
Gareth Johnson
March 9, 2018

If you’re a bit of a romantic, like me, then seeing couples in love and showing affection can make your heart swell with joy.

One of my Twitter treats, is the daily photos of guys kissing that are posted by Sim Call.

I spoke with Sim Call to see if he had any tips on how I could lift my kissing game to the next level.

I’m a bit obsessed with the images that you post each day on Twitter — GIFs of guys kissing or photos of gay couples. When did you start making these posts?

I joined Twitter three years ago, but I’ve been specialising in kissing couples for about 12 months.

Why do you post images of guys kissing?

I love to see men kissing in everyday life — at work, in shops, in the streets — but unfortunately it’s quite rare.

I don’t like this lack of visibility. For gay men to be happy, it’s important to be able to see yourself represented and to be able to project future happiness for yourself. So, I try to show gay couples, proud and happy, in scenes of everyday life.

Are you currently in a relationship?

Yes, I’ve been in a relationship with the same man for over 25 years.

Do you and your partner kiss in public?

Kissing in the street is quite rare — it can happen, but it’s exceptional. However, when we’re with our families or friends we kiss often enough.

Having spent 25 years together, it’s impossible not to display some level of affection wherever we are.

Is it common in France to see gay couples kissing or displaying affection towards each other?

No, in France it’s quite rare. Also, we live in a small town were public displays of affection between gay men is even rarer.

Is kissing a political act?

yes kissing is a political act —

Yes — it illustrates the reality of gay men in love. That’s important for straight people to see.

For example, when Gus Kenworthy kissed his boyfriend at the Winter Olympics, and that was televised around the world, for many people that was probably the first time that they saw two guys kissing each other in that way.

Do you have any favourite celebrity gay couples?

Gus Kenworthy and Matthew Wilkas are my current favourites. But also Tom Daley and Dustin Lance Black – with their baby on the way that might inspire other gay couples to think about starting a family.

Do you have any tips on how to be a good kisser?

There’s no secret — you just have to practice as much as you can.

Do you have any suggestions on how to make a gay relationship last?

It’s quite simple — love each other enough that you can forgive him the occasional indiscretion, but also love yourself enough so you don’t accept too many indiscretions.

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