Christopher Inniss & Shelton Stroman
Snellville, Georgia
The couple are among the named litigants who famously fought the marriage equality battle in their home state of Georgia and at the U.S. Supreme Court
This story was edited and adapted from multiple sources
Chris is a veterinarian and Shelton manages the Snellville Pet Resort, a business the couple owns together. At the time, Jonathan was old enough to understand that his parents weren’t married but he struggled to understand why. Although they told him that they were still a family even if the State didn't allow them to marry, Jonathan wanted them to be married like many of his other friends’ parents. Chris and Shelton found it painful that they couldn't fulfill Jonathan’s wish. And they also knew that their family needed the protections and dignity that only marriage provides.
"We just want to make sure that other families like ours are treated just like everyone else's family," Stroman said in a phone interview. "It's really hurtful and offensive that the state of Georgia is refusing to treat our families fairly."
As a child, Shelton Stroman and his family had pets. And when he was in college, he had a dog. But after his dog died, Stroman swore off pets.
“I was heartbroken. It was like losing a child,” he said.
But his love for animals remained and he quit a computer career to work at a veterinary clinic as the practice manager where his then partner, now husband, Christopher Innis, worked.
“I met Chris and he was a vet and he had pets. I fell in love with his pets … and I went from working at a computer company to working at a pet hospital,” Stroman said.

He pitched his idea of a pet hotel and resort – an upscale boarding service – to Innis.
“And he was like, ‘Really?’” Stroman said, laughing.
But after a night of crunching numbers and careful consideration, Innis was on board, and their business, Snellville Pet Resort, became a reality, opening in 2011.
Stroman manages the business while Innis, who works for Banfield Pet Hospital, serves as the resort’s doctor.
At home, Stroman, Innis and their son, Jonathan, have a Jack Russell terrier named Haley, a chihuaua mix named Rocco and a gecko named Mister.
Below, the couple in 2014 discuss the reasons why they choose to challenge the Georgia marriage ban:
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