Monday, May 10, 2010

"The Truth Tonight..."

I personally feel quite sorry for George Rekers and those like him including Stephen Christopher Harris (who took his own European vacation with a rentboy in tow)... At one time, I dealt with the same issues of reactionary internalized homophobia and the self-loathing hatred that they must be wracked with everyday.

I too once thought that being married to a woman would make it not so... that being a condemning hateful "Christian" would make it not so... that publicly supporting legislation to make LBGT people second-class citizens would make it not so and that prolific prayer and all of those things would make the Gay go away...

But I thank God that I finally was able to hear His Voice tell me that He had made no mistake in me, I am as He intended me to be and it is well with Him. I am happy with the heart God has given me. I am not ashamed to be a same gender loving man.

"Fear Eats the Soul"

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