Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"The Truth Today..."

The Tears of the Angels

This morning in the dark and lonely hours, I left my cold bed as I have many thousands of times before, to run before meeting the Sun. But this day was like only a very few others, for as I ran, I was bathed in the Tears of the Angels.

As I went about my way, beneath me the pavement lay slick and wet... In front of me, the darkest hour of morning passed as the edge of dawn crept slowly from the east. Above me, flashes of blinding lightening broke through the darkness, lighting the sky with emerald fire as I was bathed in the Tears of the Angels.

As I ran on, becoming wet, I remembered the dream times... the thousands of times I ran alone, imagining him who would come to be beside me. As the Angels spoke of it too, amidst the clash of thunder above me, together we recalled that on even those few times he went along, I was still alone... Though he also ran, we were not together. Upon me their sorrows were poured out and I was bathed in the Tears of the Angels.

Yet through the darkness I ran on, my heart racing and my chest heavy with every breath. And as each breath escaped me, they whispered still to him... though now only the Angels could hear. And thus was the morning, until finally the beginning became the end, and in the end, I was bathed in the Tears of the Angels.


"Fear Eats the Soul"

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