Friday, December 2, 2011

"And The Truth Shall Set You Free..."

Once again, the fear mongers of the world have struck out at GLBT people by proposing that one of us is representative of all of us...

At different times in my life, I've had very divergent views on pornography.  At times I've thought of it as the most vile usury of a person for profit and lust.  But, at other times, I've thought, unless people are being hurt (including the transmission of diseases like HIV), how is it my business what people choose to do with their own lives and their own bodies. 

I would be the greatest hypocrite if I said, "I've never seen pornography, nor even enjoyed it"  The truth of the matter is that yes, I have seen, possessed and enjoyed pornography... both as a means of vicariously expressing my sexuality and at times in my life, as a way of escaping the self-imposed fear of my former life in the closet.

The advice I'd give Kevin Hogan... If it is him, admit it and then use and demonstrate the intelligence and skill that allowed him to become a great teacher.  Ask them, "What relevance does this have to do with me being a great teacher?"  Answer, "Absolutely nothing!"

"Fear Eats the Soul"

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