Tuesday, June 25, 2024

"Same Gender Loving People - No. 5553"

"With Love, Age Is Just A Number..."

Positive images of people like me... The truth of the matter is that we all need to see people like ourselves. So everyday, I'll post a photo, drawing or some other artwork that depicts Same Gender Loving People as what we are... Only Human.

"Gay PDA Is Okay..."

"The Color Of Love..."

"A Little Sane Advice..."

"The Truth About Love..."

It may be true that love is blind, but only for what is ugly: its sight is keen enough for what is beautiful.

- Ivan Panin

"The Imitation Of Life..."


"A Sad Story In Six Words..."

You were my reason for living...

"The Artist's Corner..."

Youko Ibata

Monday, June 24, 2024

"Same Gender Loving People - No. 5552"

"Love's Bliss..."

Positive images of people like me... The truth of the matter is that we all need to see people like ourselves. So everyday, I'll post a photo, drawing or some other artwork that depicts Same Gender Loving People as what we are... Only Human.

"The Color Of Love..."

"This Made Me Smile...

Noah Verrier

And, it made me a little hungry...

"Selfie Love..."

"Selfie Love" - those beautiful, grainy, out-of-focus self-pics that capture the truth of true love..."

"A Thought To Ponder..."

"Gay PDA Is Okay..."

"The Views To Love..."

"The Artist's Corner..."

"An Ode to Resilience"
Acrylic on canvas
Anthony Hurd

Sunday, June 23, 2024

"Same Gender Loving People - No. 5551"

"When You Wish Upon A Dream..."

Positive images of people like me... The truth of the matter is that we all need to see people like ourselves. So everyday, I'll post a photo, drawing or some other artwork that depicts Same Gender Loving People as what we are... Only Human.

"A Little Sane Advice..."

Don't forget, the one who brings you flowers is a keeper...

"Selfie Love..."

"Selfie Love" - those beautiful, grainy, out-of-focus self-pics that capture the truth of true love..."

"Gay PDA Is Okay..."

"We Were Always There..."

A gag or the unhidden truth...

"We're Living In The Age Of The Machines..."

AI Generated

"A Sunday Thought To Ponder..."

Louisiana’s new mandate is the first step in a sinister vision for the country

The impact of this law on education and the broader cultural clash over civic morality is chilling.


What's next, a poster of Leviticus 18:22 or 20:13?
Or how about the old reliable story in Genesis of the Curse of Ham, used for centuries to explain why there are black people and to justify slavery.

The christian nazis are the most dangerous threat to our country that we've faced in modern times. At my age, I don't fear much anymore, not even death, but these people truly scare me.

"The Views To Love..."

"The Truth About Love..."

To love someone is to long to be loved by that someone.


"The Artist's Corner..."

Fernando Reyes

Saturday, June 22, 2024

"Same Gender Loving People - No. 5550"

"Love Is Being With You..."

Positive images of people like me... The truth of the matter is that we all need to see people like ourselves. So everyday, I'll post a photo, drawing or some other artwork that depicts Same Gender Loving People as what we are... Only Human.

"The Look Of Love..."

"Just For Fun..."

People seem really nervous about my new container for Pine-Sol...

"A Little Sane Advice..."

You will never again love someone the same way as you did the one who got away, but you can love again and only when you allow yourself to give up the dream of finding your way back to that one certain person will you really see what else lies ahead. True love never ends but relationships and marriages do and sometimes the broken pieces are just never meant to be put back together. Heal yourself, heal your heart, and believe that new love can be just as great, or even better, than the idealistic love you have carried around with you for much too long. Free yourself and new love will come again.

- Shannon Ferguson

"Selfie Love..."

"Selfie Love" - those beautiful, grainy, out-of-focus self-pics that capture the truth of true love..."

"The Color Of Love..."

"We Were Always There..."

"The Views To Love..."