Friday, March 21, 2014

"Because Love Is Beautiful..."

No matter how simple or elaborate the celebrations may be, I never grow tired of watching the wedding videos of same-gender-loving couples.  They make me supremely happy, because love is beautiful and because they represent the fulfillment of dreams that I know they and I thought would never be realized.

Like most gay men who choose to marry, as a child I learned by observing the role models of my parents and others, that love and marriage was one of life's most important goals.  Later, like most gay boys and girls, upon realizing that I was different from my siblings and the other children I knew, and as I learned to hide this fact in fear, it occurred to me that marriage could only be a dream for me. Despite this truth that I realized around the time I was just 5 years old, as a little boy I can recall incessantly stating my intentions to grow up and be married and have a large happy family, even though I secretly believed no such thing could ever be true for me.

Now that I am a married SGL man, I look back on the decades of my life that I lived in fear and I loath the fact that so many years were wasted.  And one of my reasons for "The Unbearable Truth" is to highlight the unfairness of the fact that there are still so many people who would deny me and my husband, and Bob and Al, the dreams of a happy marriage and the precious desires of our hearts. Yet with each day and every victory for equality, I realize that the times and the world are changing and it is indeed a marvelous time to be alive as we fight for and win our rights to live and love openly.  Now, little boys like me who still dream of someday falling in love and being married know that it can happen.

A belief that my parents instilled in me when I was but a wee small boy, sustained me and my hopes through many fearful and lonely years of my life.  I was taught that... "Dreams Do Come True."

Congratulations to Bob and Al!

"Fear Eats the Soul"

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