Tuesday, December 24, 2013

"The Truth About Love..."

"In a love affair, there is usually one person who loves, and the other qui se laisse aimer*; it is only in later days, perhaps, when the treasures of love are spent, and the kind hand cold which ministered them, that we remember how tender it was; how soft to soothe; how eager to shield; how ready to support and caress. The ears my no longer hear which would have received our words of thanks so delightedly. Let us hope those fruits of love, though tardy, are yet not all too late; and though we bring our tribute of reverence and gratitude, it may be to a gravestone, there is an acceptance even there for the stricken heart's oblation of fond remorse, contrite memories, and pious tears."

- William Makepeace Thackeray

* one who lets himself be loved

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